This edited book presents the problems of time and direction from an interdisciplinary point of v...
Classical string theory is concerned with the propagation of classical 1-dimensional curves 'stri...
Significant, and usually unwelcome, surprises, such as floods, financial crisis, epileptic sei...
In recent years it has become increasingly clear that the dynamics of cities can be best captured...
Il testo presenta metodi e modelli per lo studio delle città viste come sistemi evoluti...
Approach your problems from the right end It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is and be...
This monograph covers the theory of Dirichlet forms. It examines the symmetric as well as the non...
Collecting together contributed lectures and mini-courses, this book details the research present...
In World Mathematical Year 2000 the traditional St. Flour Summer School was hosted jointly with t...
Feynman path integrals, suggested heuristically by Feynman in the 40s, have become the basis of m...
Partial differential equations constitute an integral part of mathematics. They lie at the interf...