Introduces Skelton and his work to readers unfamiliar with the poet, gathers together the vibrant...
A comprehensive and wide-ranging account of the interrelationship between law and literature in A...
Introduces Skelton and his work to readers unfamiliar with the poet, gathers together the vibrant...
Despite an unprecedented level of interest in the interaction between law and literature over the...
Despite an unprecedented level of interest in the interaction between law and literature over the...
No medieval text was designed to be read hundreds of years later by an audience unfamiliar with i...
Medieval English Travel: A Critical Anthology is a comprehensive volume that consists of three se...
Sobecki argues that the commitment by English common law to an unwritten tradition generated a...
Essays bringing out the richness and vibrancy of pre-modern textual culture in all its variety.
Essays examining the way in which the sea has shaped medieval and later ideas of what it is to be...
Essays bringing out the richness and vibrancy of pre-modern textual culture in all its variety.
A fresh and invigorating survey of the sea as it appears in medieval English literature, from rom...