This book explores the policies and practices of comprehensive community effort...
The Power To Speak Naked is a provocative and original take on public speaking.
Rooted in the world historical methodology of John O. Voll, this collection brings together a div...
Mike Glotzkowski träumt davon, ein großer Schrecker zu werden. Während des ersten Semesters an de...
Have you ever dreamed of being on stage and speaking to a primed and eager audience excited to re...
The Power To Speak Naked is a provocative and original take on public speaking.
DisneyPixar präsentiert eine skurril-lustige Geschichte, in der zwei grundverschiedene Monster zu...
Ein psychologischer Erotik-Thriller über eine offensichtlich unschuldige Liebesbeziehung, die tra...
''Afghan Box Camera'' documents a living form of photography in danger of disappearing forever. K...
Photo Peshawar delves into the largely unexplored culture of photography in the Pakistani frontie...
Thomas Middleton's outrageous 'city comedy': a brilliantly plotted, farcical satire of lies and l...