Ridley Scott kehrt mit ALIEN:COVENANT zu dem von ihm erschaffenen Universum zurück, einem neuen K...
'Der Schatten von Papa ist groß und blau, auch der von Opa, das weiß ich genau. Sein Schatten ist...
Inzwischen ist es kein Fluch mehr, sondern meist ein Segen. Johnny Smith hat sich mit seinen hell...
Stellar author team of Microsoft MVPs helps developers and administrators get the most out of Win...
As the first update to Microsoft's server operating system in nearly five years, Windows Server 2...
As the first update to Microsoft's server operating system in nearly five years, Windows Server 2...
Stellar author team of Microsoft MVPs helps developers and administrators get the most out of Win...
Environmental Justice and Climate Change: Assessing Pope Benedict XVI's Ecological Vi...
This book focuses on legends and images of the apocalypse and post-apocalypse in film...
This book presents the supernatural as a truly international phenomenon, not restrict...
The past half century has seen an evolution in thinking from 'flood control' to 'flood risk manag...
This volume contains the papers presented at 6th Conference on Geometric Modeling and Processing ...