Der junge Straßenkünstler Aja verdient sich seinen Lebensunterhalt in den quirligen Gassen Mumbai...
Even the best writers want to know how to write more powerfully. You may write blog posts, e-bo...
Today, everything is marketing. All of the content we produce affects the customer experience. Th...
Provides new insights into German-language cinema around 1968 and its relationship to the period'...
Covering the economic, social and environmental impacts of cruising, this book combines the lates...
Today, we are so accustomed to consuming the amplified lives of film stars that the origins of th...
The Language of Content Strategy defines fifty-two terms that are central to the discipline of co...
Today, everything is marketing. All of the content we produce affects the customer experience. Th...
In 'Malignant' wird Madison von schockierenden Visionen grausamer Morde heimgesucht. Doch ihre Qu...
New York City, Rockefeller Plaza, Hausnummer 30 - hier schlägt das Herz des Fernsehsenders NBC. E...