Das Grauen kehrt zurück. In der Rolle, die sie zur Ikone des Genres machte, muss sich Jamie Lee C...
-Critters:Kleine, gefräßige Monster aus fernen Galaxien suchen sich als Zufluchtsort ausgerechn...
Es heißt Batman gegen Jack the Ripper in einem Elseworlds-Abenteuer, das den Dark Knight vor über...
Seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt befinden sich Andy (Zac Efron) und Vicky (Sydney Lemmon) auf der Fl...
Iraq still hangs in the balance. The dramatic improvements in Iraqi security between 2007...
In his engagingly written and original book, Scott Carpenter analyzes multiple manifestations of ...
In his engagingly written and original book, Scott Carpenter analyzes multiple manifestations of ...
In his engagingly written and original book, Scott Carpenter analyzes multiple manifestations of ...
In his engagingly written and original book, Scott Carpenter analyzes multiple manifestations of ...
The elderly represent the fastest growing segment of the population in developed countries, refle...
The elderly represent the fastest growing segment of the population in developed countries, refle...
COVID-19 and the Classroom presents social science research exploring how s...