Highlights successful communication practices at Dell, General Electric, Microsoft, and Monsan...
Essays on how organizations effectively communicate strategy to optimize performance.
Highlights successful communication practices at Dell, General Electric, Microsoft, and Monsanto.
This book is a practical and theoretical discussion of how to effectively communicate organizatio...
The authors analyze and discuss the field of communication from a multidimensional point of view....
Effectively communicating an organization's strategy is at the heart of achieving high performanc...
This book provides a new understanding of the role communication plays in integrating, controllin...
This practical hands-on tool kit for managers demonstrates when, where, and how to implement sign...
'This is a unique text that not only discusses problems of recession, but also analyzes its impac...
Essays on how organizations effectively communicate strategy to optimize performance.
This provides a unique, systematic and practical treatment of the role of communication plays in ...
Using the theatric metaphors of a passion play in Poland, simultaneous ethnic dramas in Yugoslavi...