Female novelists have always invested as much narrative energy in constructing their male charact...
Despite the prejudices of critics, popular romance fiction remains a complex, dynamic genre. It c...
Jane Austen wrote the delightfully silly Love and Freindship and Other Early Works in her teenage...
Almost one hundred years after the death of Jane Austen, William Austen-Leigh and Richard Arthur ...
Elizabeth Bennet has no trouble making up her mind about Mr. Darcy. From the moment he enters the...
Christmas is a time of love and joy, and the New Year is a time of renewal. But they are also tim...
Female novelists have always invested as much narrative energy in constructing their male charact...
Female novelists have always invested as much narrative energy in constructing their male charact...
Discover the story behind Joan of Arc and her journey to triumph in the Hundred Years' War-writte...
Discover the story behind Joan of Arc and her journey to triumph in the Hundred Years' War-writte...