The past three decades have witnessed the emergence of several Kantian theories. Both the critica...
The past three decades have witnessed the emergence of several Kantian theories. Both the critica...
This bookdefends antitheodicism, arguing that theodicies, seeking to excuse God forevil and s...
Pragmatism and Objectivity illuminates the nature of contemporary pragmatism against ...
This book explores the complexity of two philosophical traditions, extending from their origins t...
This book integrates pragmatism and transcendental philosophy in examining the most s...
Was treibt die Religionsgeschichte an, wie lasst sich die Dynamik kultureller Innovation verstehe...
It is commonly believed that populist politics and social media pose a serious threat to our conc...
It is commonly believed that populist politics and social media pose a serious threat to our conc...
Develops a pragmatist approach to the philosophy of the humanities, interpreting history, lite...
Arguing, humanistically, that we live in a 'human world' inescapably colored by meaning,...
The essays collected in this volume and authored by Sami Pihlstrom emphasize that our relation to...