Keiichi, the new boy in the small mountain village of Hinamizawa, learns that his friend Satoko h...
Rena has taken extreme measures to protect her and her father's happiness, but such drastic actio...
Following a lead on the kidnapping of the construction minister's grandson, Officers Ooishi and A...
-First published in Japan in 2013 by Square Enix Co., Ltd.---Colophon.
'Keiichi Maebara has made lots of great friends since moving to Hinamizawa-- namely one Satoko Ho...
When they lose their reason to fight, what is left?
Oh, June 1983. With her newly acquired powers, Satako is loving every loop with her friends. Over...
Satoko's uncle has returned and is abusing Satoko, but her history is so complicated that a simpl...
Keiichi continues the investigations of his friends, and his suspicions grow.
With Mion's name clearly printed among the names of those killed in Hinamizawa 20 years ago, susp...
A new volume in the ongoing horror manga series. Ages: 14+
'Over the course of a hundred years, Rika relived her brutal murder over and over again through c...