Animated interactive characters and robots that are able to function in human social environments...
The origin of the Intelligent Virtual Agents conference dates from a successful workshop on Intel...
This volume, containing the proceedings of IVA 2003, held at Kloster Irsee, in Germany, September...
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual...
The origin of the Intelligent Virtual Agents conference dates from a successful workshop on Intel...
Predicting the future is a risky game, and can often leave egg on one's face. However when the or...
The church in Asia is growing with unprecedented speed, raising new challenges in the realm of ef...
The truth about robots: two experts look beyond the hype, offering a lively and accessible guide ...
The church in Asia is growing with unprecedented speed, raising new challenges in the realm of ef...
A survey vessel trawls up a man's body in the Outer Hebrides and ship's engineer Helen finds a co...