Groundbreaking in both its content and its presentation, Art Since 1900 has been hailed as a land...
Auf der Suche nach künstlerischen Zeugnissen einer 'Verweigerung der optischen Logik des Mainstre...
In the early 1950s, Willem de Kooning's Woman I and subsequent paintings established him as a lea...
In this landmark collection, world-renowned theorists, artists, critics, and curators explore new...
Joseph Beuys, Andy Warhol, Yves Klein, and Marcel Duchamp form an unlikely quartet, but they each...
Critical texts and interviews that explore the drawings, animations, and theatrical work of the S...
These essays on nine women artists are framed by the question, born of feminism, "e;What eval...
Studies major works by important sculptors since Rodin in the light of different approaches to ge...
Co-founder and co-editor of October magazine, a veteran of Artforum of the 1960s and early 1970s,...
'I define the Neutral as that which outplays the paradigm, or rather I call Neutral everything th...
This image-rich essay offers a radical rethinking of the ab-ex painter Willem de Kooning by one o...