This spare, unforgettable novel is Pierre Michon's luminous exploration of the mysteries of desir...
One of the great literary figures of the modern age, French novelist Marcel Proust (1871-1922) pr...
For any reader who has been humbled by the language, the density, or the sheer weight of Marcel P...
Now, one hundred years after its initial publication, eminent literary scholar Roger Shattuck, in...
Finally restored to its original state, this is the most authoritative paperback version of Helen...
In this compact volume readers just beginning Proust's master work and those who are already enri...
For any reader who has been humbled by the language, the density, or the sheer weight of Marcel P...
The founding text of pataphysics ('the science of imaginary solutions'), and one of the most quie...
Out of print for nearly a century, The World I Live In is Helen Keller's most personal and intell...
The definitive chronicle of the origins of French avant-garde literature and art, Roger Shattuck'...