In 1988, the renowned sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and the leading historian Roger Chartier met fo...
How should we read a text that does not exist, or present a play the manuscript of which is lost ...
In Early Modern Europe the first readers of a book were not those who bought it. They were the sc...
Who owns the tabula picta, the painted tablet? The owner of the tablet? Or to the perso...
In Forms and Meanings, Chartier explores what effect changes in form will have on the w...
Depuis la parution du rapport Inserm sur l''évaluation des psychothérapies, la polémique initiale...
In Early Modern Europe the first readers of a book were not those who bought it. They were the sc...
In 1988, the renowned sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and the leading historian Roger Chartier met fo...
In 1988, the renowned sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and the leading historian Roger Chartier met fo...
How should we read a text that does not exist, or present a play the manuscript of which is lost ...
France has long attracted the attention of many of America's most accomplished historians. The fi...