This special bundle of enhanced editions presents the spectrum of later twentieth century Canadia...
In a country in which poetry has been largely private and apologetic, Robin Skelton played the pa...
Auden, Day, Lewis, Spender, MacNeice and the other key poets of the Thirties were children of the...
As a poet and critic of art and literature, and as a social and political philosopher, Sir Herber...
As a poet and critic of art and literature, and as a social and political philosopher, Sir Herber...
Editor Harold Rhenisch brings together a collection that captures the grand style and thematic...
As part of a global effort to identify those areas where conservation measures are needed most ur...
Auden, Lewis, MacNeice and other key poets of the 'Thirties' were children of the First World War...
In this collection of witty and trenchant aphorisms, Robin Skelton draws on the cynicism of La Ro...
A new formalism, a new spiritualism waits on the horizon. Always at the forefront, Robin Skelton ...
In this collection of poems, Robin Skelton walks the edge, looking forwards and backwards. Medita...