A fascinating analysis of the evolution of religion from the internationally renowned evolu...
Fascinating and illuminating, witty and accessible, The Science of Love and Betrayal is essential...
'A remarkable and important book . . .a highly accessible, timely and invaluable guide to anybo...
Die Entdeckung der Gemeinsamkeit Dieses bemerkenswerte Buch, das die Evolution u...
What makes us human?How did we develop language, thought and culture?Why did we survive, and othe...
A scientific exploration of some of humanity's most puzzling questions: What is love? Why do we f...
We are the product of our evolutionary history and this history colours our everyday lives - from...
A fascinating account of the latest thinking on human evolution, by 'one of the most respect...
Evolutionary Psychology: A Beginner’s Guide is a uniquely accessible yet comprehensive guide...
Did mankind evolve unusually large brains simply in order to gossip? Primates differ from other a...
The 'trouble' with science began in 1632, when Galileo demolished the belief that the e...
Falling in love is one of the strangest things we can do - and one of the things that makes us un...