The Hollywood War Film offers readers a lively introduction to the theory, history, stars, and ma...
A captivating cast of 1980s power and talent--John Candy, Tom Cruise, Robert DeNiro, Clint Eastwo...
In war films, the portrayal of deep friendships between men is commonplace. Given the sexually an...
Robert T. Eberwein uses a hypothesis from psychoanalytic theory to explore the frequently noticed...
Robert T. Eberwein uses a hypothesis from psychoanalytic theory to explore the frequently noticed...
War has had a powerful impact on the film industry. But it is not only wars that affect films; fi...
A captivating cast of 1980s power and talent--John Candy, Tom Cruise, Robert DeNiro, Clint Eastwo...
The Hollywood War Film is an accessible introduction to the theory, history, stars, and major fil...