A Croatian journalist navigates career, relationships, and sanity as his nation shakes of...
Delivered like a fable, A Cat At the End of the World shifts perspectives between a runaway slave...
Oleg and Nikolahustlers, entrepreneurs, ambassadors of capitalismhave come to the town of N to bu...
Witty and ambitious, No-Signal Area is a sprawling novel, smart and just cynical enough to frame ...
Outside of Croatia, Robert Perišic is best known for his novels, but short stories are what ...
A Croatian journalist navigates career, relationships, and sanity as his nation shakes off the ha...
Oleg and Nikola-hustlers, entrepreneurs, ambassadors of capitalism-have come to the town of N to ...
Outside of Croatia, Robert Perisic is best known for his novels, but short stories are what first...
Delivered like a fable, A Cat At the End of the World shifts perspectives between a runaway slave...