A sociological study of populism as a major influence in undermining standards in many spheres of...
Religion in many parts of the world, in both politics and personal life, for good or ill, is now ...
The left right confrontational system is coming to an end, since it isfailing to further promot...
In the world of the 90% heterogeneous middle-middle majority, which we find throughout the advanc...
The reform of the financial-industrial infrastructure cannot be undertaken without considering fu...
In democracies throughout the industrialised world, political systems are everywhere beginning to...
Socialism and the mindset of the traditional left have outlived their purpose. A new political ph...
Few books evoke the private life of an era, as it was in England between 1935 and 1954, with such...
Safeguarding democracy and the economic and cultural integrity of peoples
The transformation of society and the world of work, in the industrialised countries over the pas...
This is a penetrating study of many aspects of life, thought, and everyday existence in Scandinav...
Democracy understood as people power, which is the only proper definition of the word, is put for...