The residents of Mississippian towns principally located in the southeastern and midwestern Unite...
Pinson Mounds: Middle Woodland Ceremonialism in the Midsouth is a comprehensive overview and rein...
In 1981, James F. Cherry embarked on what evolved into a passionate, personal quest to identify a...
This book grew out of an exhibition about Dellinger's life and work that was curated by Bob Mainf...
This collection provides a comprehensive vocabulary for defining the cultural manifestation of th...
Fourteen experts examine the current state of Central Valley prehistoric research and provide an ...
Combines recent research with insights from anthropology, historiography, and oral tradition to e...
This collection presents, for the first time, a much-needed synthesis of the major research theme...
Arkansas has long been recognized as a state with a rich archaeological heritage that is unsurpas...
'Pinson Mounds: Middle Woodland Ceremonialism in the Midsouth' is a comprehensive overview and re...
'This well-conceived collection of papers offers new perspectives on complexities of cultural and...
Archaeologists combine recent research with insights from anthropology, historiography, and oral ...