Movie-Making Madness Tsubaki gets roped into acting a movie written, directed and produced by the...
Togawa is dating the resident class weirdo, and their relationship is even more non-standard than...
Togawa leaves our world behind, following Matsubue into the Meikai. There, they encounter a myste...
Past and future. Reality and illusion. Fate and possibility. It all comes together at the peak of...
Snakes and Worms and Plant Roots, Oh My!Sometimes, mistakes have simple outcomes. And sometimes -...
Drunken Dreams Determine Devoted DesolationMatsubue and Togawa are on the outs - all because he h...
Which came first - the Wizard or the Egg?Togawa thought she was getting a handle on the weirdness...
Once upon a dream, there was a girl just starting out at college and a boy she fell in love with....
The Ultimate Mystery: A Girlfriend! Mikoto Urabe is a new transfer student in Akira Tsubaki's hig...
Doppelgangers and Drool The popular idol Momoka continues her mission to live the life of a norma...
The Mystery Deepens As the school year progresses and the seasons change, Tsubaki and Urabe's unu...
Drool-Worthy Denouement As the school year wears on and the warmer months arrive, the boys enjoy ...