Like the renowned American writer Edmund Wilson, who began to learn Hungarian at the age of 65, R...
Spanning from the 1800s to 2005, and featuring exceptional short stories from 28 of Canada's...
Spanning from the 1800s to 2005, and featuring exceptional short stories from 28 of Canada's...
Here, the author writes with clarity, perception, and humor about a subject of importance to many...
Telekey utilizes the old-fashioned abecedarian format to describe his love for dogs, using at lea...
Spanning from the 1800s to 2005, and featuring exceptional short stories from 28 of Canada's most...
Illustrating solitude, memory, and the consolations of art, this new volume of poetry explores a ...
Hermit's Kiss is published by Fitzhenry and Whiteside.
'While representing the best of human endeavor, works of art have become ordinary features of our...
A contemporary tale which manages that stunning and rare feat - telling a story of human interact...
'The Hermit Says Goodbye completes the triptych Richard Teleky began with The Hermit's Kiss, foll...