In 1848, Karl Marx declared that a communist specter was haunting Europe. In 1994, Jacques Derrid...
A reminder of the most powerful and sustaining force in our lives. And that it's under constant t...
The problems of capitalism have been studied from Karl Marx to Thomas Piketty. The latter has rec...
A defense of the radical imagination from a scholar of social movements.Political theorist and ph...
With all appropriate modesties and heresies, Bruno Gulli and Richard Gilman-Opalsky think togethe...
Unbounded Publics presents a theory of transgressive public spheres that aims to expand dangerous...
Unbounded Publics presents a theory of transgressive public spheres that aims to expand dangerous...
How does one demonstrate the enduring relevance of a sacred text but to help it speak to present ...
John Asimakopoulos is Full Professor of Sociology at the City University of New York. He is the a...