Ausgezeichnet mit insgesamt zehn Academy Awards - unter anderem als Bester Film', setzte 'West Si...
Die Reise des Doktors und seinen Begleitern Sarah Jane und Harry durch Raum und Zeit wird jäh unt...
Daniel und seine Kumpel Julien und Raymond versuchen sich relativ erfolglos als Gangster in Paris...
Unmask the clinical complexity behind one of the most common neurological symptomsHeadache is a...
This critical volume draws together contributions from 25 leading intellectuals in the field. It ...
This book provides essential information for every one of the world’s 700+ hard tick species, inc...
Written by a former professional baseball player whose career was ended with an injury to his pit...
The author and professional coach teaches readers to find greater happiness through gratitude in ...
There are two basic methods of recording astronomical images seen through the eyepiece of a te...
One of the most widely discussed philosophers of the 21st century finds common ground betwee...
This book asks an important question: Can we simply accelerate growth under the assumption that i...
Unmask the clinical complexity behind one of the most common neurological symptomsHeadache is a...