Großer Schock für Nick Knight, den Vampircop: Schanke und Cohen werden auf einer Flugreise nach A...
How Does Foster Care Work? is an international collection of empirical studies on the outcomes of...
It is now more than twenty years since a proposal was first mooted to hold an international tunne...
Heritage preservation is a broad term that can include the protection of a wide range of human-me...
During the Second World War, the popularity and importance of the cinema in Britain was at its pe...
Legislating Without Experience provides an in-depth analysis of individual states experiencing st...
It is possible to recite creeds week after week and not think about what we are saying. These ser...
A new edition a popular introductory linguistics text, thoroughly updated and revised, with new m...
During the Second World War, the popularity and importance of the cinema in Britain was at its pe...
Antidemocracy in America is a collective effort to understand the fragility of American de...
Although computer technology has dramatically improved the analysis of complex transport phenomen...
This book challenges what are, for many people, deep-rooted expectations regarding the routine ar...