The Handbook of Historical Linguistics provides a detailed account of the numerous issues, method...
Roderick A. Macdonald (1948-2014), internationally renowned for his expertise on access to justic...
An entirely new follow-up volume providing a detailed account of numerous additional issues, meth...
Roderick A. Macdonald (1948-2014), internationally renowned for his expertise on access to justic...
An entirely new follow-up volume providing a detailed account of numerous additional issues, meth...
Gerald Le Dain (1924-2007) was appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada in 1984. This collectivel...
Gerald Le Dain (1924-2007) was appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada in 1984. This collectivel...
The Handbook of Historical Linguistics provides a detailed account of the numerous issues, method...
The Handbook of Historical Linguistics provides a detailed account of the numerous issues, method...
'The first edition of the Handbook of Historical Linguistics is the best-worn handbook among many...