In The Persian Expedition, Xenophon, a young Athenian noble who sought his destiny abroad, provid...
Xenophon's History recounts nearly fifty turbulent years of warfare in Greece between 411 and 362...
'With icy remorselessness, it puts paid to any notion that the horrors of modern history might be...
The Professor was Rex Warner's second novel, published in 1938, only a year after his ground...
Dramatic artist, natural scientist and philosopher, Plutarch is widely regarded as the most signi...
Am în faţa ochilor imaginea unei Rome care a devenit cetatea cea mai strălucitoare ca măreţie,...
Julius Caesar combines in one volume two of Rex Warner's most acclaimed historical novels: T...
One of the few works of fiction in the 20th century to explore the dangerous yet glamorous appeal...
A Professor of Classics is appointed Chancellor of his (unnamed) country, under threat from both ...
Xenophon's History recounts nearly fifty turbulent years of warfare in Greece between 411 and 362...
Written 400 years before the birth of Christ, this detailed contemporary account of the struggle ...
Dramatic artist, natural scientist and philosopher, Plutarch is widely regarded as the most signi...