Miranda Mayne, the daughter of a notorious pirate, spent most of her life in the hustle and bustl...
The Assignment: The Circus for Hire is a whirlwind of an adventure where the Crypto-Capers travel...
The Team: Max, Mia, and Nellie (aka Granny) Holmes, along with their good friend Morris are known...
In the conclusion of the search for the Golden Monkey, the Crypto-Capers, Granny, Max, Mia and Mo...
THE ASSIGNMENT: The Circus for Hire is a whirlwind of an adventure where the Crypto-Capers travel...
The Team: In this story siblings Max and Mia Holmes, along with their good friend Morris and thei...
Joe-Joe Nut and Biscuit Bill are on the case again. This time, paintings are missing and the famo...
Includes Animal facts and questions: p. 41-48.
The Crypto-Capers are off on another adventure, but this time it is because of their adversary, t...