Unlike animals, whose consciousness of their own existence differs from humans, humans experience...
A renowned British public intellectual illustrates how our unique ability to point the index fing...
Understanding hunger is the key to understanding ourselves. While they seem the most obvious thin...
Parmenides of Elea is widely regarded as the most important of the Presocratic philosophers and o...
These essays, written in the spirit of Goethe's Epimetheus who "e;traces the quick deed to th...
These essays, written in the spirit of Goethe's Epimetheus who "e;traces the quick deed to th...
These essays from one of our most stimulating thinkers showcase Tallis's infectious fascination, ...
An examination of why artists make art in the first place, and why we all feel the need for ...
In these lively and provocative essays, philosopher, polymath and all-round intellectual heavywei...
Understanding hunger is the key to understanding ourselves. While they seem the most obvious thin...
Raymond Tallis is a renowned polymath: he was listed by the Independent in 2007 as one of fifty &...
In these lively and provocative essays, philosopher, polymath and all-round intellectual heavywei...