The series is aimed specifically at publishing peer reviewed reviews and contributions present...
This proceedings volume documents the contributions presented at the CONIAPS XXVII International ...
The book on the Importance of Software Engineering and Testing in Various Engineering Field provi...
Das Buch über die Bedeutung von Softwaretechnik und -tests in verschiedenen technischen Bereichen...
V knige 'Vazhnost' programmnoj inzhenerii i testirowaniq w razlichnyh oblastqh tehniki' predstawl...
Il libro sull'importanza dell'ingegneria del software e del testing in vari campi dell'ingegneria...
Le livre sur l'importance de l'ingénierie logicielle et des tests dans divers domaines de l'ingén...
O livro sobre a Importância da Engenharia de Software e Testes em Vários Campos de Engenharia for...
El libro sobre la importancia de la ingeniería del software y las pruebas en diversos campos de l...