How much did he she weigh? is often the first question proud parents are asked after they have ...
Adolescents in India represent almost one-third of the total country s population. A large number...
Incorporare esplicitamente la componente di ricerca nel curriculum medico universitario in modo s...
Vklüchenie issledowatel'skogo komponenta w medicinskuü uchebnuü programmu bakalawriata w struktur...
Incorporating research component explicitly in the undergraduate medical curriculum in a structur...
Die explizite Einbindung der Forschungskomponente in das medizinische Curriculum in strukturierte...
L'incorporation explicite de la composante recherche dans le programme d'études médicales de prem...
Incorporar o componente de pesquisa explicitamente no currículo médico da graduação de uma forma ...
Incorporar explícitamente el componente de investigación en el plan de estudios de medicina de pr...
Community based education is a way of experiential learning which provides a more meaningful, act...
Die gemeindenahe Ausbildung ist eine Form des Erfahrungslernens, die den Medizinstudenten ein sin...
L'educazione basata sulla comunità è un metodo di apprendimento esperienziale che fornisce un app...