Prehistoric men and women chipped their tales into cave walls. Native Americans handed down stori...
Ten stories from Russia, Ethiopia, Switzerland, China, Norway, India, Finland, Sweden, and the Un...
DeSpain has spent decades exploring Latin American and collecting its stories. These tales are fu...
Nine stories from Mexico, Fiji, Japan, Nigeria, Burma, WEst Africa, and the West Indie
One story always leads to the next, says DeSpain in his preface. And he should know. For nearly a...
A collection of nine traditional scary stories from various parts of the world, including Japan, ...
A collection of nine traditional scary stories from various parts of the world, including Japan, ...
This book contains nine short traditional and very entertaining folktales about tricksters, featu...
Collected from Brazil, China, Korea, Russia, Tibet, Africa, from Native Americans, and other land...
Ten stories from Ancient Greece, Mexico, Peru, Israel, France, Persia, Poland, Mongolia, the Unit...
Nine stories from Wales, Italy, France, Russia, Czechoslovakia and the United States.
In this new millennium, we are faced with a critical question: are we willing to work together to...