This groundbreaking book delivers a much needed bridge between the neurosciences and psychoanalys...
Quand sa femme est confrontee precocement a la maladie d'Alzheimer, Fred Lindemayer est decu par ...
Ce livre renouvelle profondement ce que l'on sait sur le fonctionnement du cerveau. Les cellules ...
Et si, selon le vA u meme de Freud, la psychanalyse pouvait trouver un appui dans les neuroscienc...
Quoi de commun entre, d'un cote, les neurosciences et le cerveau, et, de l'autre, la psychanalyse...
Pourquoi l'addiction, l'envie de detruire ? Pourquoi l'ennui, pourquoi la depression ? Alors que ...
Glial cells play an essential role in initiating and controlling our behaviours, playing a major ...
Glial cells play an essential role in initiating and controlling our behaviours, playing a major ...
This groundbreaking book delivers a much needed bridge between the neurosciencesand psychoanaly...
Glial cells play an essential role in initiating and controlling our behaviours, playing a major ...
'Spurred by his wife's Alzheimer's diagnosis and disenchanted with the slow progress of science i...