Read the classic, chilling dystopian novel that inspired one of the world's most iconic film fran...
The Bridge on the River Kwai tells the story of three POWs who endure the hell of the Japanese ca...
Long before The Hunger Games or Battle Royale, Pierre Boulle's darkly comic and twisted imaginati...
The original novel that inspired the films! First published more than fifty years ago, Pierre Bou...
France has long defined itself as a color-blind nation where racial bias has no place. Even today...
Long before Battle Royale or The Hunger Games, the author of The Planet of the Apes imagined a wo...
Der Originalroman von Pierre Boulle!In einem Raumschiff, das mit annähernd Lichtgeschwindigkeit d...
En France entre le XVIe siècle et le XIXe siècle, la vision de l'individu doté d'une liberté form...
Étrange croisade que celle de Frédéric II Hohenstauffen, petit-fils de Barberousse. Empereur math...