Interdisciplinarity is an inflationary concept in the discourses of higher education and science ...
Wie ist gesichertes Wissen in der Gesellschaft möglich? Diese Frage nach den gesellschaftlichen B...
Interdisciplinarity is an inflationary concept in the discourses of higher education and science ...
What is a popular image of science and where does it come from? Little is known about the formati...
This book opens up a new route to the study of knowledge dynamics and the sociology of knowledge....
Controversies over issues such as genetically engineered food, foot-and-mouth disease and the fai...
Im Wissenschaftssystem finden tiefgreifende Umbruchprozesse statt, die insbesondere in einer w...
This book presents the underlying theories of the different approaches for modeling cracking of c...
What is a popular image of science and where does it come from? Little is known about the formati...
Die Exzellenzinitiative hat seit ihrem Einsetzen 2005 auch international groe Aufmerksamkeit gefu...
Representing a wide range of disciplines -- biology, sociology, anthropology, economics, human et...