Sonderausgabe: Nachdruck anlässlich des 70. Geburtstags von Peter M. Senge....
In seinem Bestseller 'Die fünfte Disziplin' hat Peter Senge die Theorie der l...
Vom Start-up bis zur reifen Organisation, alle Teams und Organisationen benötigen Kulturarbeit. I...
Imagine a world in which the excess energy from one business would be used to heat another. Where...
The Dance of Change offers exercises, tools and techniques for sustaining organisational learning...
How to create a company that not only sustains, but surpasses-that moves beyond the imperative to...
"e;A rich, much-needed remedy for the standardized institutions that comprise too much of our...
Since Peter Senge published his groundbreaking book The Fifth Discipline, he and his associates h...
Leading Consciously addresses the issues of motivation, decision-making, communication, time mana...
The Necessary Revolution is a book about the end of The Industrial Age Bubble the take, make, was...
This book is for people who want to learn, especially while treading the fertile ground of organi...
Presence: Exploring Profound Change in People, Organisations and Society gives the reader an inti...