In 1803 the United States purchased Louisiana from France. This seemingly simple acquisition brou...
With distrust between the political parties running deep and Congress divided, the govern...
Empires of the Imagination takes the Louisiana Purchase as a point of departure for a compelling ...
A gateway to the West and an outpost for eastern capital and culture, St. Louis straddled not onl...
A gateway to the West and an outpost for eastern capital and culture, St. Louis straddled not onl...
Washington's Government shows how George Washington's administration-the subject of remarkably li...
How do you govern people in a foreign land who speak unfamiliar languages, worship unfamiliar rel...
The new reference series, Landmark Events in U.S. History, uses both contributed essays from emin...
French St. Louis places St. Louis, Missouri, in a broad colonial context, shedding light on its f...