Mark Twain's witty, satirical tale of childhood rebellion against hypocritical adult authority, t...
Wild child Huck has to get away. His violent drunk of a father is back in town again, raising Cai...
In our century, the subject of time has become an area of serious inquiry for science. Theories t...
Leading drama critic Michael Coveney invites you on a tour of over 50 of London’s most iconi...
Leading theatre critic Michael Coveney invites you on a tour of the forty-five theatres whic...
'This book describes the revolutionary efforts underway to build virtual humans - from cells and ...
The visionary science behind the digital human twins that will enhance our health and our futureV...
'SCIENCE JOURNALISM AT ITS BEST. . . An impeccably researched, amazingly up-to-date, crisply writ...
Computational Biomedicine unifies the different strands of a broad-ranging subject to demonstrate...