A gritty urban thriller set in the ganglands of south-east London.Seventeen-year-old Eddie Savage...
The second title in the compelling paranormal mystery trilogy from acclaimed duo Mark Billingham ...
The A to Z of the Progressive Era is the most comprehensive and coherent reference work on the Pr...
A lively, accessible overview of the important people, organizations, events, and themes in the U...
The first extraordinary novel in a trilogy from Mark Billingham and Peter Cocks, combining nail-b...
Third and final instalment in the thrilling paranormal adventure trilogy from acclaimed duo Mark ...
"e;Sometimes, kid, we have to dance with the devil. And he's calling the tune."e;Tommy Ke...
Once you're in the business, there's no going back...Eddie Savage is hiding out in the West Midla...
A gritty urban thriller set in the ganglands of south-east London.Seventeen-year-old Eddie Savage...
"e;Sometimes, kid, we have to dance with the devil. And he's calling the tune."e;Tommy Ke...
New York 1863. Während im Herzen der noch jungen USA der Krieg zwischen Unionisten und Separatist...
The A to Z of the Progressive Era is the most comprehensive and coherent reference work on the Pr...