With his Miller's Tale, Chaucer transformed a colorless Middle Dutch account into the lively, dra...
One of Chaucer''s most popular and complex characters, the Wife of Bath has inspired a rich an...
The raft that carries Huck and Jim down the Mississippi River is often seen as a symbol of advent...
Interdisciplinary collection of essays on fine art painting as it relates to the First World War ...
In February of 1897 a family of six--four generations, including twin infant sons and their aged ...
Long-awaited companion to the highly acclaimed first volume.
In February of 1897 a family of six--four generations, including twin infant sons and their aged ...
This second edition of Peter G. Beidler's Readers Companion builds on the success of the first ed...
Now at ninety-three volumes, this popular MLA series addresses a broad range of literary texts. E...
William Cross Hazelton spent four years as a brave and devoted member of the Union cavalry in the...