Despite the increasing variety of heroic women portrayed in film, television, and oth...
This book deals with different types of greenhouses, materials, structures, advanced control tech...
Intelligent Control with LabVIEW(TM) is a fresh and pragmatic approach to the understanding of a ...
This book is a comprehensive introduction to LabVIEW FPGA(TM), a package allowing the programming...
EstaBreve relacion de los dioses y ritos de la gentilidadsorprende por su imparcialidad y pre...
Smart grids are linked with smart homes and smart meters. These smart grids are the new topolo...
Smart grids are linked with smart homes and smart meters. These smart grids are the new topolo...
This monograph describes the synthesis and use of biologically-inspired artificial hydrocarbon ne...
This book examines working women in realistic and naturalistic literature. By address...
Metaheuristic optimization has become a prime alternative for solving complex optimization proble...
Metaheuristic optimization has become a prime alternative for solving complex optimization proble...