Le public Les auteurs Chaque âge de la vie présente ses spécificités : le fonctionnement ps...
Las buenas letras, las ciencias, las artes tuvieron sus epocas florecientes hasta llegar al sumo ...
Presenting an analysis of different approaches for predicting the service life of buildings, this...
Modeling Steel and Composite Structures explains the computational tools, methods and procedures ...
Concern over fuel consumption has lead to interest in lightweight structures for transportation v...
This book scrutinizes the current state of evolution education and assesses the recent rise...
This volume analyzes key dimensions of political representation and participation in Portug...
This book covers the biotechnology of all major fruit and nut species, with colour illustrations ...
Este livro o ajudará a se preparar bem para um desastre. Prontidão exige conhecimento e compreens...
Broadband Satellite Communication Systems and the Challenges of Mobility is an essential referenc...