Focusing on saintly human bodies as relics, animated icons, and performers of the holy in hagi...
The essays in this provocative collection exemplify the innovations that have characterized the r...
This title was first published in 2001. These collected essays by Patricia Cox Miller identify ne...
This title was first published in 2001. These collected essays by Patricia Cox Miller identify ne...
Dream interpretation was a prominent feature of the intellectual and imaginative world of late an...
Seit Urzeiten sind indigene Völker die Hüter der Regenwälder unseres Planeten. Ihre Existenz ist ...
Dream interpretation was a prominent feature of the intellectual and imaginative world of late an...
This title was first published in 2001. These collected essays by Patricia Cox Miller identify ne...
From the fictional Thecla in the second century to the very real Olympias in the early fifth cent...
Collection of essays that focuses on questions of gender and culture in early Christianity.