A very funny middle-grade adventure by renowned author-illustrator Pat Hutchins.Class 3 of Hampst...
Rosie has lost her baby chick. She looks under the hen house. She looks behind the wheelbarrow. B...
Illustrated by Laurence Hutchins.Grandma, Mother, Father, Morgan, the baby and Tailcat find thems...
Ma has made a dozen delicious cookies. It should be plenty for her two children. But then the doo...
In this picture book, with a story told in very few words, Rosie the hen takes a walk. Although R...
Rosie's walk around the farmyard, pursued by the hungry but clumsy fox, has become a beacon in...
Pat Hutchins has always loved drawing and at the age of 16 won a scholarship to Darlington Art Sc...
A rhymed tale describing the antics of a capricious wind.
Pat Hutchins has always loved drawing and at the age of 16, won a scholarship to Darlington Art S...
'Six farm eggs, a cake for tea, a pound of pears and don't forget the bacon.'A young boy sets out...
Pat Hutchins has always loved drawing and at the age of 16 won a scholarship to Darlington Art Sc...