Die über 80 Selbstportraits in Pascal Bonafouxs neuem Buch zeigen alle Rembrandt Harmenszoon van ...
Unter den vielen tausend Kunstwerken, die Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) der Nachwelt hinterließ, befi...
The first book dedicated to Picasso's self-portraits, many held in private collections and pub...
Explorez la vie et l’œuvre de Vincent Van Gogh dans ce «Découvertes Gallimard» illustré par plus ...
Le portrait anonyme passionne par ses enjeux : art et histoire, société et individu, existence et...
Cet essai est dû à la rencontre avec l'un des autoportraits de ce qui fut la collection des Grand...
Rembrandt's revealing self-portraits in an appealing, affordable formatCelebrated as th...
An account of Vincent Van Gogh, together with a selection of his works.
Supremely successful at the beginning of his life; lonely, bankrupt and virtually ignored at its ...
When Vincent van Gogh was young he wanted to be a minister. He studied, wrote, and preached with ...