Eleven Cambridge academics approach philosophy from various fields, to broaden its practical and ...
Back in her hometown, McKenna quickly remembers why she leftWaverly, Connecticut, has turned its ...
McKenna investigates the first casualty in a New York literary warThe romance boom has ended, and...
When a literary agent is murdered, every bodice-ripping author is a suspectThe nation’s mos...
Eleven Cambridge academics approach philosophy from various fields, to broaden its practical and ...
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the main factors that affected the course of the c...
When novelist Patience McKenna takes a job at a dubious publishing house, a corpse in her closet ...
This book, based upon a large-scale research project, examines alternative types of exchange rate...
Away from the convent, a former nun stumbles onto the path of a killer Susan Murphy is still gett...
IE-2 FV 5E-3 FV IE-3 FV IE-4 FV Trun- Total IST and IST Components Total IST FVIE-2 Typ...
Power: Police Officer Wellness, Ethics, and Resilience collectively presents the numerous psychic...
This double volumes LNCS 10573-10574 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Confederated I...