A gritty urban thriller set in the ganglands of south-east London.Seventeen-year-old Eddie Savage...
'Lonely Young Officer, up to his neck in Flanders mud, would like to correspond with young lady (...
The second title in the compelling paranormal mystery trilogy from acclaimed duo Mark Billingham ...
This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is avai...
This scientifically sound, yet easily readable book provides the fundamentals necessary to unders...
This scientifically sound, yet easily readable book provides the fundamentals necessary to unders...
The role of the middle class in national development has always been of interest to historians co...
Tropical Whites explains how the tropical beach resort came to symbolize the iconic vac...
The A to Z of the Progressive Era is the most comprehensive and coherent reference work on the Pr...
A lively, accessible overview of the important people, organizations, events, and themes in the U...
The first extraordinary novel in a trilogy from Mark Billingham and Peter Cocks, combining nail-b...
This volume constitutes the proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Surface Effects in the Mechanic...