Cet ouvrage lève le voile sur les biais que l''on peut rencontrer lors d''évaluations psycholo...
'NAVITIMER - ein auf den ersten Blick höchst mysteriöser Name. Tatsächlich handelt es sich dabei ...
Tens of thousands of people in all areas of the country enjoy raising chickens, w...
In industrialized societies, individuals are facing major challenges that mobilize many of their ...
Periodically in the evolution of an important branch of clinical medicine there develops a critic...
In 1957 Otto SCHAUMANN, one of the pionieers in pharmacological research on morphine and the firs...
Im Jahre 1928 begann einer von uns mit Untersuchungen des Säure-Basen Gleichgewichtes und der At...
Economists occupy leading positions in many different sectors including central and private banks...
Economists occupy leading positions in many different sectors including central and private banks...