The Arctic rim of North America presents one of the most daunting environments for humans. Cold a...
This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is availab...
The North American Arctic was one of the last regions on Earth to be settled by humans, due to it...
The North American Arctic was one of the last regions on Earth to be settled by humans, due to it...
Essays dealing with the question of how 'sense of place' is constructed, in a variety of location...
Die Paw Patrol auf Piratenkurs: in sechs Fellpfoten-Abenteuern zu Wasser, zu Lande - und in der L...
The North American Arctic was one of the last regions on Earth to be settled by humans, due to it...
Explores the region stretching across the Arctic from the Bering Straits to Greenland, giving amp...
Part of the 'Living with the Shore' series, this is a user's guide for inhabitants of Alaska. Pro...
Another shore book that suggests ways to cope, not only with disasters at the coast but with the ...