Born Winnifred Eaton to a British father and Chinese mother, Onoto Watanna was the first novelist...
The Heart of Hyacinth, originally published in 1903, tells the coming-of-age story of Hyacinth Lo...
After her performance at a beautiful tea house, Yuki, a Japanese dancer, is followed and harassed...
The Wooing of Wistaria follows the life of a vicarious and bubbly young Japanese woman, Lady Wist...
Inspired by the classic tale of the prince and the pauper, Daughters of Nijo: A Romance of Japan ...
Born into a family of sixteen children, Nora Ascouth is used to fighting to be heard. From a youn...
When the day of Lord Saito Gonji's birthday arrives, Gonji celebrates with dread, knowing that in...
Delia is a confident young woman who works as a housekeeper for a small family. Every morning, sh...
When Orito and Nume were young children, their fathers, who were good friends, decided that one d...
Excerpt: "e;Fukui was in an unwonted state of excitement. For days the people had talked of b...
Excerpt: "e;The City of Sendai, on the north-eastern coast of Japan, raises its head queenly-...